First Post

 Hey there, the purpose of this blog is to provide better chords for songs (of any genre, but mainly christian hymns) which I felt the original chords were not "upto the mark" at all. Of course, I don't believe in the "original is always better" mindset, I take the good parts and upgrade it.
Always remember, when I put chords like "Eb/G", it is absolutely compulsory to play the G as a very low note (or even as 2 G bass notes as I do in the left hand) and then the rest of the chord with the right hand. Failing to do so, I won't guarantee the chords will sound that good. Personally, I got used to playing only the bass notes of the chords as octaves in left hand, and both the tune and the chords in the right. (Takes practice for the right hand indeed to multitask)

Hope you like it! Do share the blog with others.
If you have any requests, do leave a comment. If I could do so at that time, I would give chords for that too.


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